Welcome to Pioneer English Club (P.E.C) where you can continue on the road of success in learning English and your life. At P.E.C we know that success means many things and involves for more than just earning what we deserve. We have designed our programs, both inside and outside the classroom to help you grow and be successful in every area of life; Academically, Financially, Socially, and Spiritually.
The 21st century will be different. The global community begins here and now. To succeed, you will need both a broad range of knowledge and a specific area of expertise and you really need English for both of them. At P.E.C, by uncountable support and motivation of KGRE (Kang Guru Radio English) we make sure you can get both.
Pioneer English Club (P.E.C) is the first English club at
Pioneer English Club (P.E.C) is located at Second Al- Amien Prenduan Boarding School Sumenep Madura East Java
# Contact Person:
- Amien Hasan (The director of club)
- Zainuddin (The consultant of club)
- Nurhaidi (The chief of club)
- Muzayin (The chief of redactor Generation bulletin)
# Contact Detail:
* Postal Address: Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep Madura Jawa Timur
* Telephone Number: (0328) 821777 – 822300
* Fax Number: (0328) 821777
* Email Address: tmi_ al-amien @ plasa.Com./
21 acre Campus with 27 buildings, library, instructional media centre with television studio, extensive computer laboratory work helps students to reinforce their written skills while developing valuable technical proficiencies as the students live in the information age where they need to know how to use computer, they need to know how to communicate via e-mail, how to access information on the internet and how to surf the worldwide, that why we provide this extensive computer facilities. The formal academic instruction includes 15 hours of supervised training each week, students learn listening and speaking English in language laboratory work to strengthen students' abilities to use sounds and structure of their English skills. Pioneer English Club provides Study Club in small classes geared to their individual abilities and needs; these small classes are provided to help them to learn more seriously and effectively.
Course are available in five levels; Pre-Beginner, Beginner, Pre-Elementary, Elementary and Advanced. Members' schedules and programs vary depending on their abilities, they have to pass on enrollment test after registration for these levels, and the enrolled student who has passed the enrollment test must register in accordance with the suitable level based on his/her enrollment test value.
Members of Pioneer English Club receive the support of individual tutorials, professional tutor’s help students succeed in their regular courses. A tutor who specializes in particular subject (Speaking, Writing, or Grammar) will be assigned to meet individually with the students for an hour each week for each course. In addition to these individual course tutorials, students enjoy the extraordinary support of review sessions, learning strategy, pre- formal test, individual consultation and many other features, tutorials and all support services are included.
Regular testing and performance evaluation assure maximum achievement, and tutorial assistance is provided for those who need additional help. A variety of extracurricular activities are held each week on Campus and students encouraged attending and practicing their English outside the classroom. What is involved in this program that prepares P.E.C members for success in English language study? Basically two things; Studying English formally inside the classroom and learning all aspects of English as foreign language informally outside the classroom.
Pioneer English Club has had many years of experience in providing educational programs for students, formal and informal programs, we divided the programs into three categories; Weekly programs (training of speech, diary writing, conversational practice, debate, discussion, listening to Kang Guru Radio English every Sunday, listening to RASDA FM on Bina Bahasa Inggris and other learning programs, ect), Biweekly programs (publishing Generation bulletin, a lot of game and competition, wall magazine ect) Monthly programs (listening to guest speaker, drama show, English demonstration/ encouragement,)and Annual programs (seminar, workshop, music festival, comparative study/ study tour, recreation/ cultural experience, ect).
Students schedule vary depending on their interests and abilities. Students in Pioneer English Club are encouraged to take some general requirements right away before participating in P.E.C Academic Calendar while they are developing basic language skills, like enrollment, pre-test review, pre-test, physical and mental test. Other standardized tests of English language ability will also be considered to participate in P.E.C Academic Calendar, as the following:
1 First Registration for First Semester
10 Review Sessions
15 Enrollment Test
20 Announcement of enrolled students
27 Official Start Date for First Semester
1 Second Registration for Second Semester
10 Review Sessions
15 Enrollment Test
20 Announcement of enrolled students
27 Official Start Date for Second Semester
You may obtain application form for registration by contacting contact person and contact detail or Pioneer English Club office listed on this mini-profile. The deadline for receipt of application forms and all supporting documents is December for January entry and March for entrance in the following July.
Students accepted for the January term may begin classes at the end of January after enrollment test and for they who accepted for July may begin at the end of July. Students accepted for admission must indicate their intention to attend by returning application form and enrollment deposit/ fee of 50.000,- Rupiah.
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