• 1 Project 1
    Suspendisse turpis arcu, dignissim ac laoreet a, condimentum in massa.
  • 2 Project 2
    uisque eget elit quis augue pharetra feugiat.
  • 3 Project 3
    Sed et quam vitae ipsum vulputate varius vitae semper nunc.
  • 4 Project 4
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


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Every human being was born in purity. A baby was born such as a white paper. The parents as educator from an educated central in their house, How to write on paper? As Aristolailes said in his theory Tabularizes, this is same with what was said by our prophet Muhammad saw “Every peoples were born in purity, but the parents become Jew, Christian, and Zoroastrian religion (Nasrani).

We can say too, that human being was born as primitive, namely begin with stupid human and doesn’t have knowledge. They study and follow time to time and period to period so that make developing with suitable education with norm in society. And as responsibility about it’s education institute, between educators and educated.

The Urgency of education development for individual capability and society

Education and teaching make up the important for potential development, especially for Muslim society, because Islam was obligated all mankind for seeking knowledge in order to be good generation “Mutafaqqih fid din” by keeping on Islamic religion.

By education, civilities of human being could get development and always

effort to compose education for society and complete the generation. May be we still remember with the accident in the German last time ago. What had the society said? When their nation won oppose France “The teacher of school German was successful” but up down it a France citizen when the citizen lost at second wars. They said “Really France education was a backward.” An American’s citizen when the citizen failed to shoot satellite subtonic they said “What’s happening with our education?” So that their ways are repairing and developing education system for intellectual preparation until they could create a good future.

Education is a form of knowledge which was inherited by grandparent to their grandchild. This is as knowledge for young generation. So that way their thinking doesn’t from import bequeath with passed from one generation and unchanged.

But, the reality for this time education and teaching in our country make up the import from out other society such as we import our necessary. Of course they use Indonesia language. But their ideology no, if like this their thinking ware poisoned by Philosophies foreign, which they are the first mind and think about it.

Prof. Abu Hasan Al-Nadwi remained us that we couldn’t adopt the foreign education methods. “Undoubting else that education and teaching system are soul and pure heart as mankind owned it. Soul and pure heart are an education and teaching system make up protect for spiritual, the aim is knowledge, study to natural, as looking for the life and spiritual. It means of education and teaching system which will bequeath to the free private, either with soul or pure heart. Soul runs to complete it, flow through like knowledge, literature, philosophy, art, and history, technology, economic and politic until so difficult to separate from soul it. Not all human being is able to separate among healthy and unhealthy, except they have capability. They are capable to separate among useful and danger. So they are as human have the Principle, take the goodness and throw the badness.”

So that way, was clear that the education system foreign couldn’t teach for Islam society. Because of Islam has the education system better than another. If the system of foreign education teaches to Islam society, will be conflict thinking, between young generation and come on the shake spiritual and nearer to unbelief in religion. This caused it because their thinkers can’t separate between useful and bad. Because to be able about this, just human being could think by critics and human being has the capability about that. In this globalization era, these time for us for development education system Islam, so that our bequeath turret’s great parent can’t dim. Because of educations have the role of urgency to face a challenge this global era.

If intelligence Muslim aren’t careful about on so it very dangerous, because could erase being civilize of Islam, because of the western civilization there are many sport well media Massa and media printer for example: radio, television and good news until our country and another Islam. If the youth have capability well it engineer, doctor, teacher, or another skill if not suitable with civilized of Islam. So they will be the influence to the west civilized and other. When got against from other civilized a dangerous if the way the general follower (taklid A’am) to civilize.

The Strategy Islamic Education In the Against Civilization

Since last time ago Islamic education was grown on generation faithful, generation useful for itself and patron-client relationship to their society or bring human to tousle happiness. Islamic education fulfill the role of excellent in bequeath turret’s and civilized Islam from grand parents to grand child and the next generation.

For the about this become the first purpose Islamic education, there are some method to fulfill the happiness and benefit for movements Islam in the face civilization war which it the pioneer west Orientals.

1. Effort to eliminate vowel less it some couldn’t receive if the mankind capable reading, there is someone can’t by well the first step to get knowledge is authority to the first appearance study, namely reading and writing return it get to eliminate vowel less.

Besides that Islamic country will call up to do some efforts to practice for eliminating to vowel less between it: the first. Obligation to Muslim to study until they could get seeking science material as Rosulullah SAW said “seeking science obligation to Muslim.” the second mankind Islam must be back up to the function of the mosque in environment, vies make intro the mosque as seeking science and central studies. At least we hope to our mankind at this country to humanity like reading. May Allah SWT wish for with what we want?

2. To increase attention of school development for teaching child by a complete. This is so necessary attention from school it to development every individual by a complete, education individual must basic to faith, science, goodness, and moral, and grow on to sensitivity social and love country to them self. A connection about this, a better at school becomes central science, prayer, and holy war. So every Islamic education build to mosque in the yard it like make as yield as education activity body and training private material support to the youth in the manner as school become central education society. For example, as school there is special space for teaching and space for doing activity social and culture in society. So they will fulfill to obligate at school as education central.

By the function in the manner on school will be central knowledge to grow up intellectuality and mosque become the place prayer to grow on spiritual. Schools become to take sport and training to strong physically or education social for subservience society until consist of sensitivity and responsibility social. In order that become to complete, this can develop individually they will be useful for their selves and their society. They will give contribution in paint future humanity.

3. Attention of education skill this is do necessary in attention of education skill to every step it same with attention of education academic, university and another education. Rosulullah saw said “If the doomsday will happen whereas one of you in your hand holds date palm so implant it. From this Hadist, we can understand that education is Islamic soul remind necessity to prepare human have skill and trained in every step, until they can do task development economy and social for their society, and necessity for planning readiness to a vocational school and central the skill similarly with come in relevant culture to get sport to worker to do work by well.

This is some method could be applying for the face civilization war. a rightly there are many method else for opponent the civilization war between dynamism Islamic education, to served education professional, stabilize Islamic university with curriculum integration, for example, education for female student must be suitable with character female student. Besides must be careful to person, missionaries, Orientals, and socialism, and careful to the program Zionism, which it the aim to guide young generation.

That method must be applying to increase the quality of Islamic education. Stick may rest on changing and willingness to do renewal constant important in private education Muslim, Islamic education system and Islamic willing society life.

By: Syahuri arsi

Carpen Some-punk

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